

The Department maintains full-service machine and glass shops for making custom items needed for cutting edge research. We also have a modern Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling Laboratory which features 25 Dell Linux workstations. In order to make needed supplies readily available, the department also operates complete undergraduate and research storerooms.


Glass Shop

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry maintains a full time and in-house glass blowing facility to benefit the research community and the graduate students. The glass shop provides consultation, fabrication and repair of scientific glassware for research and instruction. It is always open for anyone to come and discuss or design work projects. Repairs are fast and easy with Corina’s help. Key strengths of the services are custom design and construction, competitive cost on specialty items, the construction of high quality glass and no limits put to creative ideas.

Facility Manager and Glassblower: Corina Guerra;
Location: Chemistry 1520 (inside the Machine Shop)
Phone: 805-893-2022
Secure Online Payments: Payconex Portal

Richard BockRichard Bock

Glass Shop



The Chemistry and Biochemistry Department machine shop is an in house source for design and fabrication of specialty research equipment as well as repair and modification of almost all hardware used in the scientific environment. With over 10 years of combined experience in the machining and fabrication field, most of those in the academic research environment, the shop staff provides innovative solutions to problems and prompt service. Materials including stainless steel, aluminum, mild steel, brass, copper, machinable ceramics, heat resistant metals such as hastelloy, and plastics are commonly used for the work performed in the shop. A full service wood shop is also on site for any and all wood projects from custom office furniture to high quality and custom shelving and bookcases.

Current Campus Labor Rate: $73.39/hour

External Customer Labor Rate: $135.89/hour

Facility Manager and Machinist I: Kyle Luker -
Location: Chemistry Building, entrance right to receiving area
Phone: 805-893-2237

Work Request Form

Machine Shop



Computer Support

The Computer Support team manages the departmental email, web and file services, an instructional computing facility, as well the networks in Physical Sciences North and Chemistry buildings. Our team provides network connections (wired and wireless) and desktop support services to the department to support instructional and research activities. Additional computing support is available by recharge for more involved work - computer setup, virus cleanup, software configuration, interfacing with instruments, scripting, research computing etc.

We collaborate with the computing teams at the MRL and CNSI and the Center for Scientific Computing to provide our researchers access to high performance computing resources on campus.

Director of IT:  Ted Cabeen, LifeSci Computing Group
Student Desktop Support:  Karen Lobins
Location: Physical Sciences Building North (PSBN), 2622 & 2618
Phone: 805-893-7955,

Webpage: Computer Support

computer clusters


Instructional Labs & Stockroom

The Instructional Labs and Storeroom support the activities of the Undergraduate Laboratory Courses which currently serves over 8,080 students per year enrolled in approximately 358 lab sections; with lab room scheduling, purchasing of all supplies, instruments and equipment, coordinating all laboratory experiments, coordinating Summer Session lab instruction activities, assists organization for all outreach programs.

Instructional Lab and Storeroom staff:

Lisa Stamper, AC II Instructional Lab Manager

Diane Resendez,  AC I,  Instructional Lab Coordinator

Ashley Flores, SRA II, Instructional Lab Assistant


Location: Physical Science Building (PSB) North 1642
Phone: 805-893-2107


Research Storeroom/Purchasing/Shipping & Receiving

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Research Storeroom provides support, supplies and services to all Chemistry and Biochemistry research/instructional labs, as well as research/instructional labs across our campus.  The Storeroom stocks hundreds of chemicials and laboratory supplies,  Chemistry Storeroom Inventory   we also serve as the campus wide PPE distribution center.  Our Research Storeroom also provides purchasing assistance in and outside of Gateway, as well as shipping and receiving services, to all DCB faculty, researchers, and students.  We are located in rooms 1225 and 1432 in the Chemistry building.

Research Storeroom staff:

Adrian Shelor, Stores Supervisor

Chris Dominey, Sr. Storekeeper

Location: Chemistry 1225

Phone: (805)893-2411


Location: Chemistry 1432

Phone: 805-893-2411 


Chemistry Buildings and Facilities

Building and Resource Manager: Cabe Fletcher

The Chemistry and Biochemistry Building and Resource Manager is responsible for the following functional areas of responsibility in support of the teaching, research, and service components of the Chemistry and Biochemistry department; building management, development and management of departmental safety programs; Purchasing, Receiving, Storeroom, Equipment Management and the issuing of Building keys. All service and maintenance issues within our buildings should be reported to our Building and Resource Manager. 

Location: Chemistry 1432

Phone: 805-893-7187



Departmental Administration

The departmental administration includes the management of department finances, payroll, grants and contracts, travel and supply reimbursement and academic personnel administration. The department administration staff includes a team of ten admin staff members. The department MSO, financial manager, contract and grant analysts, payroll, recharge services and travel assistants, and an academic personnel analyst, as well as work study students. The department administration staff serves as a vital network of support to the Chemistry and Biochemistry, faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, researchers, visitors and staff. The administrative staff is responsible for all aspects of the academic and business management and the successful academic and business operations of the department.

Chemistry Business Officer: Heather Gardner
Location: Room 1007, Building 232
Phone: 805-893-2926


Student Affairs

The Student Affairs (SA) team, is made up of the SA Manager, Graduate Staff Advisor, Undergraduate Advisor, Student Affairs Coordinator and Administrative Student Assistant/Peer Advisor(s) who are responsible for the operation, support, and development of all departmental student-targeted programs. Creation and organization of quarterly course schedules, graduate application processing, graduate recruitment event planning, annual student awards, general administrative course support services, and future program development are managed by Student Affairs. Staff Advisors are the first and primary point of contact for all Chemistry and Biochemistry students in need of academic advising. Student Affairs also provides administrative assistance for graduate and undergraduate students, including processing of forms, progress checks, and referrals to campus resources.

Administrative Directory: Building 232