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Inorganic Materials Chemistry
Functional Inorganic Materials
Ram received his PhD in Solid State Chemistry from the Indian Institute of Science in 1995, working with Professor C. N. R. Rao FRS on the topic of carbon nanostructures. After Postdoctoral fellowships in Caen, France (working with Professor Bernard Raveau) and in Mainz, Germany (working with Professor Wolfgang Tremel) he returned to Bangalore as Assistant Professor at the Indian Institute of Science. Ram moved to the Materials Department at UC Santa Barbara in 2002. He has been a Professor in the Materials Department and in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry since 2008. He serves on the Editorial Committee of Annual Reviews of Materials Research and is an Associate Editor of the ACS Journal Chemistry of Materials.
Research Group Website: http://www.mrl.ucsb.edu/~seshadri/
The Seshadri research group aims to develop a fundamental understanding of the useful functional materials that impact our everyday lives. A unifying theme in every aspect of the work is the compositional tuning of the properties of extended solids through solid solution. In addition to preparing and characterizing new materials, the research also emphasizes understanding the theory behind functional materials, and the development of tools to better probe them.