UCSB Office of Research
DCB Research Areas
Interdisciplinary Organizations
Students may join research groups in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. In addition, many of our students have joint advisors in other Departments, showing a commitment to strongly supporting cross-Departmental collaborations. UCSB provides a unique atmosphere where interdisciplinary research is truly lived.
You are encouraged to keep an open mind about your research direction while exploring different groups through rotations. We encourage you to make an informed decision about research groups after meeting several potential advisors and future labmates. The culture of rotation varies from one research area to the next, but we have a general policy that rotation requests are welcome and will be supported by the faculty. Three research rotations are required and may consist of involved projects in the lab over a significant length of time or may be completed by attending, at minimum, three group meetings.
Special note to students interested in biological topics. The graduate program in Chemistry and Biochemistry has strong ties to the campus-wide program in Biomolecular Sciences and Engineering (BMSE). This combination provides a rich intellectual environment for interdisciplinary research in physical and chemical approaches to biological problems. Students and faculty from both programs collaborate and intermingle frequently in research labs, courses, and seminars. Students interested in studying topics related to biology through our department are encouraged to also explore the course offerings, seminar series, and faculty affiliated with BMSE. In addition, students in Chemistry and Biochemistry may participate in a Bioengineering Ph.D. emphasis offered through the Center for BioEngineering, which offers additional courses and seminars.