Resources for Conflict Resolution

In order to carry on its work of teaching, research, and public service, the University has an obligation to maintain conditions under which the work of the University can go forward freely, in accordance with the highest standards of quality, institutional integrity, and freedom of expression, with full recognition by all concerned of the rights and privileges, as well as the responsibilities, of those who compose the University community. These campus regulations address the rights and responsibilities of members of the University community and provide campus-wide standards for implementing regulations as a means of sustaining this community. Each member of this campus shares the responsibility of maintaining this unique community so that the University's mission of teaching, research, and public service can be achieved.

Student and Faculty Codes of Conduct 

Students: Graduate students are responsible for meeting not only the academic standards provided, but also standards for personal conduct and responsibility outlined in the General Catalog, the Graduate Division Graduate Handbook, and other UC publications. Students registered in the University of California assume an obligation to act in a manner compatible with the University’s function as an educational institution. Standards of Conduct and processes for reporting violations are outlined in Chapter VIII of the Campus Regulations

Faculty: The University seeks to provide and sustain an environment conducive to sharing, extending, and critically examining knowledge and values, and to furthering the search for wisdom. Effective performance of these central functions requires that faculty members be free within their respective fields of competence to pursue and teach the truth in accord with appropriate standards of scholarly inquiry.

The faculty’s privileges and protections, including that of tenure, rest on the mutually supportive relationships between the faculty’s special professional competence, its academic freedom, and the central functions of the University. These relationships are also the source of the professional responsibilities of faculty members. It is the intent of the Faculty Code of Conduct to protect academic freedom, to help preserve the highest standards of teaching and scholarship, and to advance the mission of the University as an institution of higher learning (from the Faculty Code of Conduct Preamble).

Departmental Resources for Conflict Resolution 

All members of the Department strive to maintain a positive and professional environment fostering constant growth and collegiality. However, the DCB is composed of a diverse group of individuals, each with unique personalities and opinions and who often work long hours together. We understand that conflicts will arise at times. When you are comfortable and safe doing so, you are encouraged to discuss potential disagreements with your colleagues or Primary Research Advisor and work toward agreeable solutions together. In cases where this is not possible, students should seek outside assistance as soon as the problem arises Please note that, depending on the nature of the discussion, staff and faculty in the DCB may be unable to maintain confidentiality. See Campus Resources for confidential options. 

Staff Advisor: The Staff Graduate Program Advisor is available for advice and referral and serves as an initial point of contact for students wishing to vocalize and address concerns. The Staff Advisor can provide impartial feedback on the situation, suggest the role(s) that particular faculty members may play in providing assistance, or advise pursuit of a more formal grievance process if necessary.

Thesis Committee: Existing or potential issues should be presented during your annual thesis committee meeting for review and discussion. You may also call additional meetings of your committee members to address issues immediately as they arise. At your discretion, your Primary Research Advisor may or may not be present for supplemental meetings. 

Department Chairperson and Faculty Graduate Advisor: When additional help, guidance, or conflict resolution is needed within the Department, the Chairperson or Faculty Graduate Advisor may be consulted. Either or both of these individuals may also attend regularly scheduled annual or supplemental thesis committee meetings at your request.

DCB Amicus Curiae (AC): Appointed by the Chairperson, the DCB Amicus Curiae is a member of the faculty who serves as an impartial “ombudsman” for the Department. The AC may be consulted at any point for open discussion about any question or concern. Conversations with the AC may be shared with the Staff Advisor when appropriate, but will otherwise be kept confidential whenever possible. Dr. Joan-Emma Shea currently represents the DCB in this capacity. 

If information is disclosed during conversations with any departmental representative that implies or suggests a threat of danger or harm to any individual, confidentiality does not apply. The appropriate resource or authority will be contacted. IF YOU ARE IN A THREATENING OR UNSAFE SITUATION, SEEK HELP OR DIAL 911 (9-911 from campus phones) IMMEDIATELY. 

Campus Resources

Conflict Resolution and Appeals
The Office of the Ombuds provides confidential consultation services to faculty, staff, students, parents, or anyone else with a campus-related concern, addressing issues such as workplace issues, interpersonal conflict, academic concerns, policy questions, and many other problems, whether as a first step, last resort, or at any point along the way

CARE Advocate Office for Sexual and Gender Based Violence and Sexual Misconduct
Program dedicated to anticipating and responding to the needs of students impacted by stalking, dating/domestic violence, and sexual assault by providing confidential advocacy and support

Office of Title IV and Sexual Harrassment Policy Compliance
Responsible for the University's compliance with federal and state laws and University policies and procedures regarding issues of discrimination, retaliation, sexual harassment and sexual violence involving students, staff, and faculty

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
CAPS promotes the emotional well-being of students through individual and group psychotherapy, crisis intervention, and stress management services