Faye Walker


Office Location

PSBN 4653


Molecular Diagnostics

Mobile Health

Directed Evolution

Disease Detection

Pathogen Biosensors

Information Technologies

Genomic Methodologies

Medical Sciences

Active Learning


I received my B.A. degree with Honors in Chemical Physics at Swarthmore College with a research thesis on “The Study of Tenebrionid Beetle Secretions Using Solid Phase Microextraction, Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, and Ion Mobility Spectrometry.” I pursued higher education in the graduate program at the University of California-Santa Barbara and received my Ph.D. in Chemistry for my doctoral dissertation entitled “Advances at the Interface: Merging Information Technologies with Genomic Methodologies.” My postdoctoral work at the Neuroscience Research Institute led to the creation of a smartphone-based loop-mediated isothermal amplification detection system that could be applied to quantitative, rapid pathogen detection at the point-of-care. From experiencing medical science start-ups to international aerospace conglomerates to FDA-regulated device companies, I am overjoyed to return to the innovative and creative Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at UCSB.


Clarke, A. P, Drab, J., Walker, F. M. “Cu3Sn via metallization in electrical devices for low-temperature 3-D integration.” U.S. Patent 2021/0265206 A1 (2021). 

Walker, F. M., Hsieh, K. “Advances in directly amplifying nucleic acids from complex samples.” Biosensors 9, 117 (2019). 
Roark, B. K., Chandler, Morgan, Walker, F. M., Milanova, L., Panigaj, M., Afonin, K. A. “Self-assembled nucleic acid nanoparticles for siRNA delivery,” Molecular Medicines for Cancer: Concepts and Applications of Nanotechnology (2018). 
Ahmad, K. M., Csordas, A., Larkin, C., McGivney, J., Soh, H. T., Walker, F. M. “Detecting Residual Host Cell Proteins in Recombinant Protein Preparations.” U.S. Patent 2015/11007894 B2 (2015). 
Walker, F. M., Ahmad, K. M., Eisenstein, M., Soh, H. T. “Transformation of personal computers and mobile phones into genetic detection systems.” Anal Chem 86, 9236-9241 (2014). 
Cho, M., Oh, S. S., Nie, J., Steward, R., Eisenstein, M., Chambers, J., Marth, J. D., Walker, F. M., Thomson, J. A., Soh, H. T. “Quantitative selection and parallel characterization of aptamers,” Proc Nat Acad Sci 110, 18460-18465 (2013). 
Grabow, W. W., Afonin, K. A., Zakrevsky, P., Walker, F. M., Calkins, E. R., Geary, C., Kasprzak, W., Bindewald, E., Shapiro, B. A., Jaeger, L. “RNA nanotechnology in nanomedicine,” Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery (2012). 
Afonin, K. A., Grabow, W. W., Walker, F. M., Bindewald, E., Dobrovolskaia, M. A., Shapiro, B. A., Jaeger, L. “Design and self-assembly of siRNA functionalized nanoparticles for use in automated nanomedicine,” Nat Protoc 6, 2022-2034 (2011). 
Holliday, A. E., Walker, F. M., Brodie, E. D. III, Formica, V. A. “Differences in defensive volatiles of the forked fungus beetle, Bolitotherus cornutus, living on two species of fungus,” J Chem Ecol 35, 1302-1308 (2009).