Craig Hawker

Distinguished Professor
Materials Department and Joint Appt: DCB

Contact Phone

(805) 893-7161

Office Location

3009 Bldg. 576(MRL)

Polymer Synthesis

Materials Chemistry 

Applications to Medical, Energy, and Personal Care 

Post-doctoral Research Associate, Cornell University

                                    Supervisor:  Professor J.M.J. Fréchet

   Ph.D. Degree, University of Cambridge, U.K.

                                    Supervisor:      Professor Sir A.R. Battersby

                                    Thesis title:      Biosynthesis of Vitamin B12 - Model Studies

                                                            on the Spiro Intermediate       

B.Sc. (1st Class Honors),  University of Queensland

Alan and Ruth Heeger Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies Clark Professor

CNSI Director

Co-Director MRL

Research Group Website:

Synthetic Polymer Chemistry, Nanotechnology -- Materials science that integrates fundamental studies with the development of nanostructured materials for advances properties and functions in microelectronics and biotechnology. 

Link to Research Publications: